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PULAU BAWEAN KABUPATEN GRESIK Panduan tour explore wisata Pulau Bawean Kabupaten Gresik yang terdapat pada halaman ini, Kami suguhkan berdasarkan pengalaman kami dalam menyediakan jasa perjalanan dan paket trip wisata murah   ke Pulau Bawean  Panduan wisata singkat dan lengkap ini juga kami susun berdasarkan pengalaman kami sebagai salah satu pelaku pariwisata yang berlokasi di Pulau Bawean   Gresik spesialis pelayanan jasa paket liburan ke destestinasi wisata populer di Ba wean. "ONE'S DESTINATION IS NEVER A PLACE, BUT A NEW WAY OF SEEING THINGS"  HENRY MULLER Travel Book Bawean Isle 2023 ini juga diperuntukkan se bagai tourist information and guidance para wisatawan untuk mencari referensi berwisata alias nge trip ke tujuan wisata populer di Pulau Bawean Gresik Jawa Timur. Bawean Trip Guide Office  Artikel singkat panduan wisata ke pulau Bawean ini diharapkan bisa membantu anda yang sedang mencari referensi travelling tujuan wisat...

4 international cruise dijadwalkan di Bawean 2018 - 2019

Cruises visiting Bawean & all Bawean cruises for  2018-2019 4 International cruises will be scheduled to dock in Bawean 2018 to 2020 Pulau Bawean is an Indonesian island located approx 150 km (90 ml) north of Surabaya (Java). The island is round-shaped (approx 15 km / 9 ml in diameter) and circumnavigated by a narrow ring road. At the isle's center is an extinct volcano (highest elevation point 655 m above sea level). Bawean's population is around 70,000, but over 2/3 of the men are temporarily living and working abroad (Singapore, Malaysia, other parts of Indonesia). This results is over 2/3 female population, which is why the island is often called Pulau Putri (Island of Women). Pulau Bawean Island (Sangkapura, Indonesia) Over 1/2 the island's population lives in Sangkapura (on the southern coast). This is the world's only habitat for the endemic Bawean deer (Bawean hog deer). A result of human activities, less than 10% of the island is covered by rainfo...